The world is a much different place for kids now than it was in the 80s. While the advance of technology has made it easier for kids to learn and stay connected, there are many things from the childhood of a kid who grew up in the 80s that kids today wouldn’t understand.

We found a few of our favs to share here, but let’s keep this conversation going on social. Tell us one thing from your childhood kids today wouldn’t understand.

Finding our friends before everyone had a phone or MSN Messenger Kids

This was our GOOGLE before the internet


How about mom dragging the family to Sears for family photos – bonus points if a kid from your school was taking the photo!


80s TV – 13 channels, and if you have to go to the bathroom, you can’t pause your show. Ugh, if you were out, you missed your show if you didn’t set up the VCR and had to wait for a rerun.


How about single use cameras. Taking your film in to get developed only to find out half your pictures are blurry. “Would you like doubles?”


How about running out of batteries in the middle of the day and not being able to listen to your Walkman … or your Walkman chewing up your favourite tape.


Photo by Florian Schmetz on Unsplash


We know this list can go on and on. We can’t wait to see your list!


Filed under: 80's, Walkman